Student Solution


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2 Subjects

Discussion Five Experimental Design_

Discussion Five Experimental Design_

Q What kind of experimental design was selected? What are the key features of this design? Is a rationale for design selection given? Was it an appropriate experimental design for the research question of this study? Why or why not? How were the control and experimental groups formed? Was randomization used in the assignment of the subjects or the conditions (control vs. experimental)? Was any other control procedure applied to equate the two groups on extraneous variables prior to the intervention? In terms of procedures for implementing the intervention, what is similar and what is different between the control and experimental groups?

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The study is a posttest only control group experimental design that aims to understand the effect on competition on children, aged 10 to 12 years of age, assessing them after randomly assigning them to groups and analyzing the impacts at the end of the experiment. The most important features of this kind of experimental design are that it is about the comparison of two groups, experimental group, and control group, and the participants for these groups are randomly assigned. The experimental group is exposed to a certain treatment, and them at the end of the experiment, both groups are assessed and compared. The rationale for the experiment was to measure the effects of competition on intrinsic motivation factors in children.